Breaking Barriers Together: Introducing Zamonos!

Luca sporting an awesome Zamonos cap as he sets about trying to find more wheelchair accessible locations to visit.

Picture this: a world where every place is accessible, every service is inclusive, and every person, regardless of ability, can navigate the world with ease and dignity. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, what if I told you that dream is closer than you think?

Our planet is bustling with 8 billion unique souls, each with their own story, struggles, and triumphs. Disability, in one form or another, touches us all—whether it’s a permanent condition, a temporary setback, or a situational challenge. In 2006, the Signorelli family’s journey took an unexpected turn when their son experienced a life-altering brain hemorrhage just twelve days after birth. Suddenly, their lives were filled with new obstacles, new lessons, and an unwavering determination to ensure their son’s quality of life knew no bounds.

Like many families navigating the world of disability, the Signorellis realized they weren’t alone. They discovered a community bonded by shared experiences, shared challenges, and a shared desire for change. But despite the laws in place, the tireless advocacy efforts, and the businesses championing inclusivity, one glaring issue remained: the lack of a unified voice.

Enter — a website where users can review, search, and share accessible features of places based on their fine-tuned expertise of their needs. Zamonos is a symbol of hope born from years of exclusion and fueled by the collective passion for change. Exclusion, though often subtle, casts a wide net, impacting not just individuals with disabilities, but their families and caregivers too. The mission? Zero barriers. The vision? A world where accessibility is not just a privilege, but a fundamental right for all.

At the heart of Zamonos lies a simple yet powerful idea: Unity. Each of us holds a piece of the accessibility puzzle, from our individual needs and preferences to our local community insights. Zamonos serves as the glue, bringing together these diverse perspectives to create a mosaic of knowledge and empowerment.
But here’s the kicker: Zamonos isn’t just about sharing information; it’s about sparking change. By reviewing and recommending accessible places and services, we’re not just helping ourselves—we’re paving the way for a more inclusive future. With 1.8 billion people worldwide living with disabilities, and a staggering 5.5 billion allies standing in solidarity, we’re not just the largest minority; we’re a force to be reckoned with! 

So, dear friends, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. Let’s leverage our collective power, our wisdom, and our unwavering spirit to break down barriers and build bridges. Together, we can turn dreams of inclusivity into reality. Together, we can say “Zamonos”—let’s go!

Still need a little bit of convincing? Check out this amazing graphic below from Zamonos themselves, demonstrating just how powerful their community can be! 

Mary is not welcome at Pizza Palace. She can't get in the door. Mary is welcome at Sky Pizza. She can get in, order by writing, pay without reaching, eat at a table with a friend, read what's happening on the TV, and use the restroom with dignity. Mary leaves a review on She chooses several of the 175+ accessibility features that she used and noticed. She adds photos and tags them with the accessibility features. She adds a comment, too. Billy searched for pizza and saw Mary's review. He went there. Billy added another review. He noticed a few other features that are specific for his needs. Charlotte saw both reviews and went to Sky Pizza and added a review of her own. People with accessibility needs are not going to Pizza Palace. Pizza Palace is losing good business. Pizza Palace learns what Sky Pizza is doing right on and makes modifications so it becomes welcoming, too. Mary, Billy, and Charlotte know they have an empowerment tool to effect change. They went, reviewed, and shared so Patty, Donna, Mark, Luca, and a billion others and their 4 billion allies could go, too. Use and effect the change you want. You have the power.

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